Thursday, May 3, 2012

An Honor...

I am so honored to receive a reward, that I'm proud to share with other blogs I follow, from Susan at The Royal Cook.  The rules are simple: Share seven (7) interesting facts about yourself and choose fifteen (15) blogs you love to visit.

Well, like Susan said, these may not be the most interesting facts, but here goes:
1. My husband proposed on our second date...we were married 2 weeks later and that was almost 44 years ago.
2. Our daughters' birthdays are exact opposites August 10th (08/10) and October 8th (10/08); they're 2 years, 2 months, 2 days, and 2 hours apart.  (See the connection of the number 2--2nd date, 2 weeks)!
3. Candy Corn and cake doughnuts are my weakness;-)
4. I always do the crossword puzzle and Soduko in the USA Today newspaper every day.
5. My idea of relaxation is laying in a hammock on a warm summer day in the garden.
6. I love crows and Canadian Geese.  They are two of the most interesting species of birds that watch out for each other and I admire that.
7. I love and adore my grandchildren, who make me laugh and believe in magic!

The  15 Blogs that I love to visit:
1. Susan, The Royal Cook
2. Allison, The Life of a Novice
3. Kirsten, My German the Rockies
4. Meggie, Meggie on the Prairie (what a nice rhyme)
5. Suzanne, Down in the Meadow
6. Ellen, Bake It With Booze
7. Happy Cottage Quilter
8. Kristi, Giggle Down Under
9. Nancy, Nancy Creative
10. Char, We Blog Artist
11.Bonnie, Birds, Bees, Berries, & Blooms
12. Lisa, Earth Mama 101
13. Lucy, Attic 24
14. Louise, Cake Journal
15. Lori, lori times five

As my grands say, "Ta Da!"


  1. Ah, Susan, it has been an honor for ME to get to know you through our blogs. A true life gift, my friend. Even on the toughest days (I've had many lately), it's such a comfort to read your blogs and gain inspiration. Peace, too. I'm glad you're there, my friend. And, the love of cake donuts...Yet again another reason I believe we were separated at birth. :) LV, me.

  2. Thanks so much for mentioning my site in your Blog list, Susan! :)

  3. Hello Susan...Congratulations on your award! Thanks so much adding my blog to your list for the Versitile Blogger Award.
